Sep 21, 2008

Summer's End

Well, today was our last official weekend day of Summer. Kind of depressing. I always hate it when summer's over; cold weather, ice and snow are just around the corner...

Jake and I went to "Red Park" today. It's actually Meadowbrook Park, but all of the parks in Gardner are sort of color-coded. The equipment at each park has a basic color. The other park we go to most of the time is "Green Park", which is where we held his birthday party.

We played at Red Park for a while until a birthday party with a group of raucous kids were on the brink of storming the playground. So, we headed to Green Park for a little while. I brought a little "picnic" lunch for Jake (pb&j, Cheez-Its, Capri Sun). Once he was done eating, we played for about 30 more minutes before finally heading home for a nice 3-hour nap (Jake, not me).

Great weather, great day....very soon it will be much harder to get out on days like this with litle Devon in tow.

1 comment:

Joleene said...

I see you got a picture of the bridge Jake fell off of while throwing a fit. I'm glad you have such a great time with him.